Thursday, April 13, 2006

Inbred Institution

It’s amazing how so many people that are related to one another, actually work for the College. What’s even more of a coincidence are their positions. They are ALL so qualified and hard working that they ALL hold key positions in institution. Wow! Sounds like a family of really hard workers who are dedicated to their jobs!

Yet one must tread very carefully around this nepotistic community. There are spies everywhere and who knows where one may just POP UP! You thought political views were taboo at the workplace? Well as long as you have the RIGHT view point, you’re in with the gang.

In the library we have to be a little bit careful not to put out anything too LLLL….LL…liberal. There, I said it. Although I pride myself on sneaking in some rather daring content while doing large book orders. Okay, it’s not daring but certainly notable, even though some may not agree. Yes, I think of devious ways to infiltrate the hard conservative shell and slowly it will start working. Maybe not next week, maybe not next year….but it will start working, oh yes…

- Hen 4


Nikki Moore said...

Oh boy! now we conservatives know what you're up to. sneak in the notable content, eh! today the library, tomorrow....[insert regime to be overthrown]!

Ryan Seacreature said...

To be politically correct, we are a library and you can't just have one view point present. On the other hand, I could be devising a master plot to rule the world as you suggest…